“Little by little, one travels far” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

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Video of My Bike Tour Through Norway, Sweden and Denmark

Video of My Bike Tour Through Norway, Sweden and Denmark

People often ask me about the favorite part of my 2022 bike trip. I always say that it was the west coast of Sweden and Denmark. This video shows the photos and videos I took on this portion of the trip. Hopefully you can see why I loved it so much.  Through this...

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Video of United States Bike Tour

Video of United States Bike Tour

The video below is a compilation of short videos and photographs that I took during my bike tour from Kansas to Washington D.C. in August of 2022.  You can read more about this trip starting with this blog post but this video will give you a good sense of the trip....

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Bike Touring In Europe Part 2 Copenhagen to Berlin

Bike Touring In Europe Part 2 Copenhagen to Berlin

It was nice to have a few days off after riding from Oslo to Copenhagen (read about it here), but after 24 hours I was ready to get moving again. I figured out awhile ago, that for me, being alone in a big city gets much more lonely than it does out away from people....

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Bike Touring in Europe 2022 Part 1 Norway and Sweden

Bike Touring in Europe 2022 Part 1 Norway and Sweden

I love the promise of going someplace new. That feeling of being unmoored and drifting through a landscape gives me a deep happiness. As I left Washington D.C. to continue my trip (read about part 1 starting here) I was renewed, rested, as much as all day...

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Bike Trip 2022 #5 Into Washington D.C.

Bike Trip 2022 #5 Into Washington D.C.

Day 25 West Newton to Confluence Pennsylvania 51 miles I slept well and except for a flurry of air raid sirens that roused me out for a look at 6 am, I slept in. I took my time getting out the door around 10 and knowing I had a relatively short day all on...

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2022 Bike Trip #4 – Indiana and Ohio

2022 Bike Trip #4 – Indiana and Ohio

Riding your bike day after day through new landscapes is like watching a 10 mile per hour movie unfold in real time. I try to pay attention and notice the details. What does it look like? Are there any smells? Are there any sounds? What are the homes like?...

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2022 Bike Tour Part 3 – Illinois and Kentucky

2022 Bike Tour Part 3 – Illinois and Kentucky

Bike touring is a full time job and I’m finding it hard to find the time to both write a personal journal and blog posts. So, this one will cover almost a full weeks worth of riding. I will then follow this one up with a post on the lessons that bike...

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2022 Bike Tour – Part 2 – Into Missouri

2022 Bike Tour – Part 2 – Into Missouri

I’ve now been riding east for eight days. I’m getting stronger and finding a good rhythm each day.  It continues to be hot and humid and I try to get an early start each day to get some early miles behind me.  My shortest day has been 59 miles and my...

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An American Bicycling Tour – Part 1

An American Bicycling Tour – Part 1

The idea of this trip has been germinating for a long time! But you know how it goes. Life gets in the way of some dreams and then those dreams seem more like whims. It’s easier to do what needs to be done next and move back what seems to be irresponsible frivolity to...

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February Afternoon

February Afternoon

Here is a quick video taken on an afternoon walk near my home in Boulder, Colorado. The music is one of my favorite piano pieces by Bill Evans - Peace Piece.

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Biking The Hills of Vietnam

Biking The Hills of Vietnam

I always thought I would travel Europe more thoroughly before exploring other parts of the world. But when my desire to do a bike trip and the realities of my schedule collided, I expanded my thought to find where I could have a good adventure in good weather in...

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Wandering Around Spain and Portugal

Wandering Around Spain and Portugal

I'd might as well lead with the conclusion. February is a wonderful time to visit the Iberian Peninsula!  The weather is spring-like.  It's the off season for tourists, so prices are discounted, crowds are manageable and it's easy to get around.  No that we have that...

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Vancouver British Columbia

Vancouver British Columbia

Kristy and I took a quick trip to Vancouver British Columbia. We had a great time! The weather was absolutely perfect and I really liked the city and the landscapes. I think if the weather was this nice all the time everyone would want to live there. I especially...

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When A Trip Doesn’t Go As Planned

When A Trip Doesn’t Go As Planned

The plans were all set. I had a meeting in Albuquerque so I thought, "why not, I'll ride my bike home". This was to be leg three in a plan to ride my bike to or from my house to each of the states that border Colorado.  I flew my bike down, spent two nights in...

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Up To The Lake

Up To The Lake

Each year for as long as I can remember my family has been making a pilgrimage to Big Lake near Cloquet Minnesota. Some of my very happiest memories were of visiting my grandparents at their house on the lake. They have both passed away but my Mom now owns the house...

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Colorado High Plains Bike Tour

Colorado High Plains Bike Tour

A while back I decided that riding my bike to each of the states that border Colorado from my house seemed like a good idea.  Last fall I knocked off Wyoming in one day with the trip culminating in a car ride home courtesy of my wife Kristy. This time I decided I was...

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Santa Barbara California

Santa Barbara California

This spring we took a quick trip to Santa Barbara. Here are some photos from the trip. We had a great time and found that it was sort of like Boulder with a beach. The last few shots in the gallery were out of the window of the airplane on the way home. Shots of the...

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My Micro Adventure Goal – And To Wyoming In A Day

My Micro Adventure Goal – And To Wyoming In A Day

At some point in 2014 I became aware of Alistair Humphreys idea of micro adventures and his website of the same name. The basic idea of a micro adventure is to go on overnight adventures close to your house. Not to make it too complicated. Just go out and see your own...

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Chasing the Fall – Colorado Bike Tour

Chasing the Fall – Colorado Bike Tour

It had been a long time. A first job, led to a mortgage, then came kids. My expanded responsibilities led to re-ordered priorities and I had become a weekend warrior, an armchair adventurer, a wisher and a dreamer. Year followed year and all at once I realized that it...

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